What We Believe

Mandurah Presbyterian is a member of the Presbyterian Church of Australia. Our beliefs and practices are governed by the Bible above all other sources of inspiration. We believe the following tenants are fundamental to Christianity.



There is only one God. He has all life, glory and goodness in and of Himself. In the unity of the Godhead there are three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They are one in substance, power and eternity.


The Bible

The Bible is God’s Word, comprised of both Old and New Testaments. It is inspired, authoritative, infallible and necessary.



Human beings are created in God’s image. We are created to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.

Humanity’s first parents, Adam and Eve, disobeyed God. As Adam is the representative of humanity, every person stands under God’s judgement. We face the certainty of an eternity cut off from God in hell.



Out of God’s great love and mercy, not of our works, God sent His Son Jesus to be a sacrifice for our sin. The eternal Son of God became a man to rescue His people for their sin. He lived a sinless and blameless life, perfectly keeping God’s law. Jesus went to the cross and took upon Himself the punishment we deserved for our sin.

By repenting of our sin and turning to Jesus, putting our faith in Him, we receive forgiveness from our sin and are gifted eternal life. We are credited with His righteousness and are declared righteous by the Father in Him. Jesus rose victoriously from the grave and is seated at God’s right hand.


The Church

The church is God’s redeemed people, Christ’s bride and body.

The church exists to declare the praises of Christ to the world, make followers of the Lord Jesus and grow in love and service of each other.

The Westminster Confession of Faith


The Westminster Confession of Faith is the ordering document of the Presbyterian Church of Australia. It sets forth the biblical doctrines, as interpreted from the Bible. 

The Confession explains the teachings of the Bible in relation to God himself, creation, the sinful state of humans and the way of salvation through Jesus Christ alone and matters of faith and practice in the Christian life. Special emphasis is made of the sovereign grace of God in salvation. Read the Confession in full here.

The Presbyterian Church of Australia


We are a member of the Presbyterian Church of Australia. Click here to read about what the Presbyterian Church of Australia is, where it came from and how it works.